
Established in1865, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev AgriculturalAcademy (RSAU-MTAA) has always been most well-known agrarian university,combining the best and most advanced agricultural practices with trusted andtried traditional technologies.
Now the University,known as “The main agrarian” opens the doors of 8 Faculties and 3 Institutesfor 16 000 students enrolled, among which over 800 are international, comingfrom 55 countries - from Belarus and Kazakhstan to Swaziland and Ecuador.
The University hasalso a lifelong learning institute, a business start-up centre and a branch inKaluga. RSAU-MTAA occupies a large picturesque campus of over 500 hectares andhas been given a status of a cultural heritage site in 2008. Here, allfacilities necessary for practicing agriculture in the city are presented –experimental fields and orchards, a botanic garden and an arboretum, ameteorological station and a forestry station, cattle and horse-ridingfacilities, an apiary and a chicken coop. The campus also comprises a range ofmuseums, two of which - Soil Science Museum and Science and Art Museum of HorseBreeding – are unique.